New card game release announced: 'Death on the Cards'
The world of Agatha Christie has been translated into a tense but fun card game of mystery, bluffing and deduction - where everyone is guilty but only one of them is guilty of murder...
Designed by Dr Tomas Rawlings of Auroch Digital, Death on the Cards aims to bring the feeling of the classic novels to the tabletop. The game is lightweight, designed to be played in 30 minutes or under and aimed towards both older children and adults. Perfect for a family gathering or an after-dinner spot of murder most horrid.
In bringing the game to life the designers at Modiphius Entertainment drew on the rich literary history of Agatha Christie’s gripping stories. Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Harley Quin & Mr Satterthwaite, Parker Pyne, Lady Eileen ’Bundle’ Brent, Tommy & Tuppence and Ariadne Oliver all feature within the game seeking to find the murderer.
James Prichard, Chairman and CEO of Agatha Christie Limited, said “I’ve had enormous fun watching Death on the Cards develop . It’s an intelligent game of skill and misdirection that gives humorous nods to the characters and words of Agatha Christie. I expect it to be a hit with fans of my great-grandmother’s works, and for those of us who simply enjoy pitting our wits against friends and family.”

Death on the Cards is designed for 2-6 players and uses a beautifully illustrated deck of 80 cards. Players work cooperatively to solve a murder, using their detective skills to unmask the culprit and prevent their escape. The twist is that one of the players is the murderer and must work against the group to keep themselves hidden. Players also have dark secrets from their past they want to keep hidden from the other players. Who can you trust?
The game consists of 80 full colour, illustrated cards with 18 secret cards, 25 detective cards, 22 event cards, 4 devious cards, 10 ‘Not so Fast’ cards and 1 Murderer Escapes! Card. It will be available in retail this Christmas.